01 August 2011


To appear, go, pass, etc., rapidly or suddenly
A sudden surge of sensation

Do you know about my sister?

The one we call Jacki

She is pretty hardcore

When she was only 18 years old

She moved to Riggins, Idaho


To become a guide

On the Salmon River

She guided up there for years

And is a pretty sweet guide today

I think she is strong / smart / adventurous

And I love her guts

I love that she kept us all safe

Even Tom

Who left the boat during a pretty crazy rapid

Jacki. Cranking the oars.

Tom's out-of-boat-experience.

Zak and Em. In the ducky.

great company + fabulous guide + raging river=

Awesome. Trip.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

So glad you didn't die. Because I almost did TODAY doing that same thing. No joke.